The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo (CIS), in partnership with the Department of the Legal Studies, University of Florence, organized the Sarajevo Summer School 2018 „EUROPEAN INTEGRATIONS: 60 YEARS OF THE ROME TREATY“. This interdisciplinary summer school took place at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Sarajevo from 9-13 July 2018.
The Project “Rome and Sarajevo for Europe- A European “Treaty” OF and FOR Europe” was funded with the support of the European Union under the “Europe for Citizens” Programme. The aim of the school was to look at the Treaty and its legacy and evaluate its actuality, modernity, the perspective of evolution as well as the prospects of historical memory and future vision and the importance of multiculturalism and interreligious dialogue. The school focused on the origins and the current processes of the European integration as well as its future, through examining the Western Balkan countries. Some of the broad topics that were covered were Harmonization and Implementation of the EU law, Europe as an idea and an Identity, Religion and EU integrations, EU integrations and Human rights, Ethnic diversity and its impact on the Economy, EU integrations, and politics, etc.
School involved citizens from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Italy, namely 12 participants from the city of Florence (Italy), 7 participants from the city of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and 1 participant from Bijelo Polje (Montenegro). It was consisted of a series of lectures from different fields and disciplines, with the participation of prominent lecturers from the University of Sarajevo: Prof. Zarije Seizović, Ass. Prof. Nedžma Džananović, and Prof. Dino Abazović from the Faculty of Political Sciences; Prof. Ugo Vlaisavljević from the Faculty of Philosophy; Prof. Azra Hadžiahmetović, Prof. Adnan Efedić, and Ass. Prof. Fatima Mahmutćehajić from the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo, as well as experts such as Mr. Miroslav Živanović, Head of Rectors Office, University of Sarajevo; Mr. Ivan Barbalić, Former Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UN and Russian Federation and Ms. Armina Pijalović, a cultural tourism expert, etc. Apart from the lectures, participants had an institutional visit to the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and a cultural visit to Baščaršija (Old Town) and the Vijećnica (Sarajevo City Hall).
The schedule of the Summer School is available here:
The list of participants is available here:
The program of the Summe School is available here:
The school was organized within the RoSaE PROJECT: ROME AND SARAJEVO FOR EUROPE – A EUROPEAN “TREATY” OF AND FOR THE CITIZENS celebrating the 60th Anniversary from the adoption of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, as a follow up to the FLORENCE WINTER SCHOOL 2018: EUROPEAN VALUES, FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS AND HUMAN RIGHTS held from 12th to 16th of February 2018.
RoSae PROJECT is funded by the European Union and Coordinated by the Roma Capitale – The City of Rome; with the participation of the University of Sarajevo, the University of Florence, City of Sarajevo, the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Statale Cine-tv Roberto Rosse, and the Indire Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione per l’innovazione from Rome.
The title of the project “RoSaE” recalls at the same time the Latin origin of Rome and the art installation called Sarajevo Roses (concrete scars caused by a mortar shell’s explosion that was filled with red resin to remember the civilian victims during the siege). Inspired by the experience, past and recent, of the war which concerned both cities, this project aimed at promoting the values of the pacific coexistence among peoples in a European perspective, by developing an ideal bridge between the capital of a founder country and the capital of a country having the potential accession candidate status.
The project raised awareness about the importance of the four freedoms introduced by the Treaties of 1957, as well as their essential contribution to the growth of a multicultural, democratic and free Europe where people can live peacefully. In the context of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, the two cities share the spirit that inspired the Six, the founding states of the EU and at the same time, reflect on the perspective of a revitalization of the project of a European integration.
Alina Trkulja
Summer School Coordinator
033 663 683
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