The Global Campus of Human Rights (hereafter Global Campus) is an interdisciplinary center of excellence supported by the EU, by the Right Livelihood Foundation (hereafter RLF), and other partner institutions, aiming at pursuing the continued promotion of human rights and democratization through education, specialized training, and research cooperation worldwide through a network of regional academic partners. Its main headquarters are based in Venice-Lido, Italy (at the Monastery of San Nicolò) and the regional partner’s headquarters are based in Argentina, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lebanon, South Africa, and Thailand.
For more information visit www.gchumanrights.org
With reference to its activities, the Global Campus is looking to appoint a qualified individual to fill in the position of Children’s Rights Regional Officer for South East Europe.
Functions and tasks
The Children’s Rights Regional Officer’s area of responsibility includes the following task:
- Work with the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe team and in close cooperation with the Programme Co-directors and Coordinators to ensure that children’s rights are mainstreamed within its curricular and extracurricular activities such as summer and winter schools, short courses and similar.
- Support the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty follow-up initiation process by contributing research, coordinating special events and integrating the Study into the activities of the ERMA programme.
- Support the Children’s Rights Project Coordinator (based in Venice) by implementing activities and doing children’s rights related research and liaise with him/her on all children’s rights activities within the region.
- Map key children’s rights stakeholders within South East Europe.
- Coordinate and develop relevant project proposals related to children’s rights to be put forward to the GC-RLF Steering Group for future development.
- Develop and organise activities related to children’s rights within the SEE region.
- Within the Global Campus joint actions work in close cooperation with the Programme Coordinators on the organisation of the GCSEE/ERMA activities.
- Attend group meetings with children’s rights officers from other regions.
- Ensure that RLF laureates are invited to the region so as to engage with students via seminars and lectures.
- Other tasks as defined with the Programme’s team and the Children’s Rights project coordinator
- Experience in children’s rights
- Excellent knowledge of English and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian both written and spoken
- Good networking and communication skills
- Ability to develop and coordinate projects across the South East European region
- Strong administrative skills paired with a keen interest in vigorous research
- IT skills: excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office and internet navigation
- Experience in working in an international environment and/or in the academic sector
- Excellent team-working ability
- Sense of responsibility
- Problem-solving attitude
- Ability to work under stress
Desired qualifications or experience
MA and/or Ph.D. qualification with a focus on children’s rights
Deadline for sending applications: 17 February 2020
Indicative starting date: March 2020
Workplace: At the Global Campus ERMA Programme’s regional headquarters in Sarajevo
Salary: The gross salary will depend on qualifications and seniority
Please send a motivation letter and a curriculum vitae in English – by email – to Dr Reina-Marie Loader, Children’s Rights Project Coordinator, Global Campus of Human rights (Venice) reinamarie.loader@gchumanrights.org, and Mariana Hadžijusufović, ERMA Coordinator, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Sarajevo mariana.hadzijusufovic@cis.unsa.ba