All program activities of the University of Sarajevo and Northwestern University from Evanston (Illinois, USA) were successfully completed during mid-August. The one-month stay of American students in Sarajevo as part of the program called “Comparative Public Health: Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina 2023” ended with teaching content focused on the system of primary and secondary health care in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After a series of lectures, practical workshops, and visits to museums, memorial centers and galleries, where the focus was on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s past, present context and culture, in the second part of the program students got to know the work of health institutions, therapeutic communities and other institutions that focus on public health and the health care system in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This rounded off the entire program in which the students were involved during their previous stay in Serbia, after which they gained a more detailed insight into the Bosnian and Serbian experience of the functioning of societies in transition. By implementing the aforementioned program, the University of Sarajevo and its teachers and collaborators in the implementation of the program, with the support of engaged UNSA students, showed commitment to activities that help the further internationalization of the University of Sarajevo while affirming the idea of personal and professional development. The continuity of program implementation in the past years has confirmed the credibility of the University of Sarajevo as an institution ready to implement complex international academic programs with Northwestern University, which is ranked 30th in the world on the “Shanghai List”.