in the academic year 2023/2024
Based on Article 106, paragraph (3) of the Law on Higher Education of the Canton of Sarajevo (“Official Gazette of the Canton of Sarajevo”, number 36/22), Article 148 of the Statute of the University of Sarajevo, and Articles 21 to 27 of the Study Rules for the Third Cycle of Studies at the University of Sarajevo, Decisions of the Council of Professor Zdravko Grebo Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo, number: 393/23 of June 23, 2023, Decision of the Senate of the University of Sarajevo on giving consent to the Open Call number: 01-13-20/23 of 7/19/2023,
Professor Zdravko Grebo Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo publishes:
for the enrollment of third generation of students of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program: Global Studies
in the academic year 2023/2024
The study is organized for the duration of three academic years and is evaluated with 180 ECTS points, and its completion results in the academic and scientific title of Doctor of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.
BiH citizens and foreign citizens who meet the conditions established by law, the Statute of the University of Sarajevo, the Study Rules for the third cycle of studies of the University of Sarajevo and the Curriculum and program of the doctoral study “Global Studies” have the right to enroll in doctoral studies under equal conditions.
Candidates who have obtained a diploma of the second cycle of study, integrated study, academic specialist or master of science according to the pre-Bologna system of study and have obtained 300 ECTS can apply for the program, as well as all candidates for whom, after the process of recognition of a foreign higher education qualification, it has been determined to have adequate education for continuing studies at the third cycle of higher education.
The competition is open for the admission of 20 candidates, and the minimum number for which the study will be organized is ten candidates.
Classes are taught in English, and one optional subject can be taught in the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Along with the application to the Competition, candidates are required to submit:
• Diploma – 1st study cycle/undergraduate study (original or certified copy);
• Transcript of records – 1st study cycle/undergraduate studies (original or certified copy);
• Diploma – II cycle of study/postgraduate study (original or certified copy)
• Transcript of records – II cycle of studies/postgraduate studies (original or certified copy)
• Birth certificate (original or certified copy)
• Citizenship certificate (original or certified copy, not older than 6 months);
• Two recommendations (original)
• Biography with bibliography
• A decision on the recognition of a diploma for candidates who obtained previous education outside Bosnia and Herzegovina, or a confirmation that the recognition procedure is in progress (original);
• “Research statement” – an explanation (200-500 words) about the field of research that the candidate wants to pursue
The deadline for applications is January 10, 2024, and the planned start of classes is in February 2024.
Tuition fee for doctoral studies is 18,000.00 KM (6,000.00 KM per year of study, which students will pay in installments – two installments in one year of study).
The Application form, as well as more detailed information about the Program, can be found at: https://cis.unsa.ba/en/doctoral-program-global-studies/
For additional information, contact Maida Omanović via e-mail: maida.omanovic @cis.unsa.ba
The documentation must be delivered to the address:
University of Sarajevo – Professor Zdravko Grebo Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
Zmaja od Bosne 8 (Campus), 71000 Sarajevo,
with the indication: “Application for admission to the doctoral program in Global Studies”