The 1st level University Master Course in “Eu Transparency and Corruption prevention policies within public administration” will be held at the premises of University of Sarajevo. This Master course is organized within the Master program “Stabilization and Integration Policies for the BiH Public Administration system” – S.I.P.PA.S., assigned and financed to the Parthenope University by the European Commission – Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The main objective of the program is to support the integration process of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union through the harmonization of the public administration with European standards and policies. The specific purpose of the Master is to provide its participants an intensive preparation and skills on the efficiency, transparency and cost-effectiveness of the local public services, contributing to spread the culture of legality in the Public Administration system.
All interested in these topics are warmly invited to attend the inagural lecture at University of Sarajevo, Obala Kulina bana 7/II, December 3rd, at 11.15 A.M.
For more information, please see: