After reaching more than 3000 people within one year, the Global Campus of Human Rights continues to grow its Open Learning Series with its third Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The new MOOC will focus on Memory Sites and Human Rights and will be released on 12 March 2018. The course has been developed under the leadership by the European Regional Master`s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA) and the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratization in Latin American and the Caribbean (LATMA), in cooperation with the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC).
The MOOC focuses on the role of memory sites in their crucial interplay with historical trauma, the reconciliation process, the chosen methods for dealing with the past, as well as with nation building dynamics and the shaping of societal identity. As witnesses and testimonies of abuse and horror, memory sites aspire to build reflection, teaching and learning, critical memory and non-repetition. Memory sites function as places where to look at the past to better understand and shape the present and the future of a society and its approach to human rights. As “sites of conscience” drawing on history lessons, memory sites stimulate dialogue and healing, and inspire citizens’ action. Embracing the ideal of “never again!”, the course through the conceptual framework of memory sites, their objectives and “design” will give answer to the questions of Why and How do we remember past atrocities and human rights violations? What is the role of memory sites in social reconstruction, transitional justice and democratization? How do memory sites shape communities, societies, identities and nations?
Course Outline
The course is articulated in three modules encompassing an 8-week period. Participants are expected to engage in approximately 40 hours of active learning through readings, videos, podcasts, photo essays/slide-shares, discussions, webinars and quizzes. With examples and experts drawn from all regions of the world and a cross-section of constituencies, participants benefit from rich and varied knowledge.
Module 1 – The Conceptual Framework
Module 1 focuses on the conceptual framework behind memory sites. Starting from a reflection on why and what is important to remember, it then moves to discuss how memories are shaped and who is involved in ‘building memory’. It will show the linkage between history, memory and human rights and the role of memorialisation in reconciliation and social reconstruction.
Module 2 – The Objectives of Memory Sites
Module 2 is dedicated to the objectives of memory sites, ranging from information and knowledge-sharing to the idea of providing evidence of abuses; from the role of memory sites for identity building/reconstruction and education to the ethical, legal and political challenges of the representation of horror.
Module 3 – A Comparative Perspective on the Concept and The “Museum” Design
Module 3 will focus on the aspects related to the ‘design’ of memory sites, thus dealing with format and content, use of testimonials and symbolic resources, artistic language and types of institutional approaches, stressing the artistic contextualization vis-à-vis the visitors’ reactions and empathetic sentiments for past atrocities and abuses.
The enrolment to this course is FREE and available on canvas.net.
Course dates: 12 March – 7 May 2018
For more information please visit: https://eiuc.org/education/e-learning/moocs/memory-sites-and-human-rights/about.html.