Prof. Zdravko Grebo

In memoriam, 1947-2019

Honorary President

Honorary President of the ERMA Programme, Professor Emeritus at the School of Law of the the University of Sarajevo. He has been the director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies since its establishment until 2007. Professor Grebo has participated in drafting the alternative Constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1990. He was founder of the Open Society Foundation – Bosnia and Herzegovina and its chair between 1992 and 1997. He is also a member of PEN Centre. Professor Grebo is member of the International Association for Theory and Philosophy of Law and secretary of the Legal Science Chamber at the Academy of Science and Art of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is laureate of many academic awards and distinctions among which the ‘Conference of European Rectors’, Roosevelt Foundation ‘Four Freedoms Award’ and the ‘Palm Academic Award’ of the French Government. Professor Grebo has published five books and more than 200 scientific articles in the field of law.

Prof. Marco Borraccetti 

Co-Director, UNIBO

Co-Director of the ERMA Programme as of 2018, is an Assistant professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences in the Forli Campus of the Bologna University.

He is a Researcher of European Union Law at the Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli.” Prof. Borraccetti main research interests are European Union, Migration, Mobility, Development, Fundamental Rights and Court of Justice. Prof. Borraccetti has been participating in numerous European projects throughout his professional career. He has been extensively writing on migration, human trafficking, European Union, fundamental rights, etc.

Prof. Asim Mujkić

Co-Director, UNSA

Co-Director of the ERMA Programme and a full professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo teaching Philosophy; and Ethics and the Political Elites. He has published five books and more than 80 scientific articles in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad amongst which: Short History of Pragmatism (2005); We, the citizens of the Ethno polis (2007), and Justice and Ethno-nationalism (2010). Professor Mujkić is also the President of the Association of Political Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2007) and Vice-Editor in Chief of the Review for Art, Science and Social Issues “Echo”. From 2003-2005 he has been the Head of the Department of Sociology and from 2005-2011, a Pro-Dean for Student Education at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo.

Mariana Hadzijusufović, MA

Programme manager

Mariana Hadzijusufovic is the ERMA programme manager on behalf of the University of Sarajevo. Previously she worked as a legal counselor on refugee issues in the Legal Clinic (UNHCR BO Chisinau) and as ERMA Academic tutor/education officer and the Programme Coordinator. Mariana holds an international law degree from the State University of Moldova and is an alumna of the ERMA programme class of 2002/03.

Alina Trkulja

Programme Coordinator

Alina Trkulja is a human rights researcher and consultant with over a decade long experience in higher education. She holds a degree in Comparative Literature and Art History and MA degree from the European Regional MA programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA). She joined the ERMA team in 2011 as an education officer/tutor. Her research interests include social justice, gender equality, Children’s rights, and Human rights education. As a researcher, she participated in several studies and reports about issues ranging from Transitional justice, Women’s rights in Southeast Europe, human rights education, environmental education, and migration issues to the most recent study about Violence against children in migration on the WB route.


Marija Ivanović

Education officer  

Besides being ERMA Alumna, Marija Ivanović holds an M.A. in Political and Social Studies of Latin America from the University of Economics (Prague) and University Alberto Hurtado (Santiago de Chile). Also, she graduated from M.A. programme in Nationalism Studies (Central European University). She worked in the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean in Chile and, more recently, she was a Young Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Koszeg. Her interests lie in questions of identity, memory, political geography, and feminism. She joined the CIS team as an education officer in 2019.

Aida Salihović-Gušić

Education officer

Aida Salihović-Gušić holds a Master’s degree in English and American Literature, obtained from the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, additionally graduating from the ERMA Programme in 2017. She has been active in NGO Sector, working on various human rights issues. Her main fields of interest are related to the intersectionality of women’s and religious rights, freedom of religion and belief, and hate crimes and hate speech on the basis of religion. She has been appointed as an Academic Tutor, joining the ERMA team in November 2019, and works in CIS as an education officer.


Marjan Icoski

Alumni Relations Manager

Marjan Icoski is an ERMA alumnus class of 2014/2015 graduating Cum Laudae from the Programme. He is part of ERMA since 2016, first working as a project assistant through the Global Campus of Human Rights Internship Programme and later on as an academic tutor. Now, he is the ERMA Alumni Relations Manager. Previously, Marjan obtained a BA in Law and LL.M in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law in Skopje.  His field of interests are international human rights law and European integration with a focus on the Western Balkan Region.

Mileva Piralić

Financial Officer

Ms. Mileva Piralić graduated at the Faculty of Organizational Siences in Belgrade. Mileva has been Finance assistant-accountant of the University of Sarajevo, since 2007. Previously she worked as a Finance Officer at the Mechanical Faculty of Sarajevo from 1990 to 1992, and as a Finance Assistant in the International Rescue Committee-New York in Bosnia and  Hercegovina in the period of 1996 to 2006.