In 2023, the Children’s Rights Regional Officer for SEE established a partnership with the largest child participation NGO in BiH (Naša djeca/Our children) which is the organiser of the Child-led parliament which operates in one of the Sarajevo municipalities.
Another successful joint effort of the collaboration was a six-month mainstreaming project in 2023, focusing on mapping children in decision-making in BiH. The research stipend was granted to one main researcher (Berina Ceribašić, president of the child parliament in BiH), and a research assistant from the ERMA alumni network who specialises in children’s rights, Maja Šenk. The project aimed to conduct a baseline study of child participation in governmental and non-governmental organisations and institutions and create a policy paper with recommendations. The research was published online and will from 2025 be used in the children’s rights week for ERMA students to increase visibility. The publication also resulted in a policy brief. The policy brief will used in the curriculum of GCSEE/ERMA in 2 courses: Children’s Rights Week, and Writing a Policy Brief.
In 2024, the promotion of the publication was held, whereby the main speaker was the lead researcher, with the introduction and moderation being conducted by the Regional Officer. Additionally, the event was attended by relevant stakeholders and regional partner organisations such as the representatives of the SOS Child Village Sarajevo, Child Council, Network for Children Serbia, the members of the Child Parliament, UNICEF, and Save the Children, as well as academics and other researchers. The promotion took place on May 30th in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Sarajevo, the home of the GCSEE/ERMA Programme.
The promotion of the BiH mapping publication was followed by a panel discussion on the topic of Child Participation in Serbia and BiH. Led by Berina Ceribašić, the executive director of Naša djeca Sarajevo, and the president of the Child Parliament Novi Grad Sarajevo, Zorica Sokolov, and Mirjana Džuverović, representatives of the organisation MODS (Network for organisations for children Serbia) moderated by Nejira Pašić, the Children’s Rights regional Officer for SEE. The keynote speech was given by the representative of the municipality Novi Grad Sarajevo who is in charge of the Child Parliament. The event was finalised with the presentations of the Child Parliament representatives, as well as alumni of the parliament. The event was attended by 22 people, whereby the attendees were from relevant institutions, like the Ministry for Refugees and Human Rights, municipalities, Save the Children, SOS Child Village, UNICEF, students from the faculty of social work, professors, etc.