Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) offers an intensive one-week course in peace and conflict studies, sponsored by a Nordplus Higher Education grant and an Erasmus+ grant, focusing on people, communities and cities in peacebuilding and an inclusive and intersectional approach to peace studies. This is one of the tree courses to be offered in the framework of InPeace project which aims to create an innovative network of higher education institutions from different corner of Europe and to strengthen the position of European universities in peace research and education. Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS) at University of Sarajevo is one of the partners on this project.
The 2020 InPeace Intensive Spring Course is organized around four interlinked teaching and research themes (TRTs):
TRT 1: Intersections between Gender and Conflict
TRT 2: How are Masculinities and Femininities Constructed in Times of Conflict and War?
TRT 3: Impact within the Conflict/Post-Conflict context
TRT 4: How are Gender and Ethnicity used in Narratives and Political Discourses?
- The course is open to Master’s and PhD students currently studying at the University of Sarajevo. Six candidates will be selected to participate in the course
- Travel and accommodation are covered by the grant from Nordplus and Erasmus+
- The course brings together many of the leading scholars in the field of peace and conflict studies
- The course counts as 5 ECTS credits
The course will take place in Tampere from 1-7 March, but students will be informed of any changes that might occur to the execution of the course due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Application process:
In order to apply for the course, please send a motivation letter (500-700 words) and your CV to the CIS academic coordinators of this program: van.prof.dr. Zilka Spahić Šiljak (zilkasiljak@gmail.com) and Marija Ivanović (marija.ivanovic@cis.unsa.ba ). Please keep in mind that the course will be in English, meaning that you should be a proficient user of the language.
Contact person:
- University of Sarajevo – Marija Ivanović, marija.ivanovic@cis.unsa.ba
Further information can be found on the website of the Höfði Reykjavík Peace Centre www.peacecentre.is and TAPRI website www.research.tuni.fi/tapri/